Empirical Evidence of the Benefits to an Outsourced Fraud Management Solution

in Industry Insights, Latest news

ai’s CEO, Mark Goldspink, recently posted an article about zero ambiguity fraud management which discussed the problem with accountability based on varying operational business models. Since then, an analysis has been carried out on one existing client to review long term rule performance. This charted the rule creation activity and rule durability over time since…

ai Joins Movement to Shine a Spotlight on Fraud

in Company news, Latest news

The International Fraud Awareness Week kicks off Nov. 11, 2018 worldwide Fraud costs organizations worldwide an estimated 5 percent of their annual revenues, according to a study conducted by the Association of Certified Fraud Examiners (ACFE). The ACFE’s 2018 Report to the Nations on Occupational Fraud and Abuse analysed 2,690 occupational fraud cases that caused…