Retail Risk London
We are proud to announce that for the 3rd year running we are global sponsors for Retail Risk London. You will find us on the agenda twice; we will be running masterclass as well as speaking - come back soon for more information.
Retail Risk London is the biggest, brightest risk management conferences in Europe. If you work in loss prevention, audit, HR, operations, audit & compliance or logistics, it is a must for your calendar. The agenda is packed, registration is completely FREE for retailers and new this year, you will be invited along to the London After Show Party.
If you would like to book some time with a member of the ai team to discuss our solutions and how we can help your business, to book a slot or call 01483 661240 (option 2).
Alternatively you can get in touch with the events team at
For more information and to register for the show, visit there website.